Sadness, feeling down and having a loss of interest and pleasure in our daily activities are familiar feelings for all of us but if they persist and start interfering with our daily functioning it may be depression.

Similarly everyone has feelings of anxiety at some point in their life, whether it’s a job interview, meeting a partner’s parents for the first time, or if you’re about to have a baby.

Some anxiety is helpful – it helps us react to stresses or potential threats, by quickening our reflexes and focusing our attention, and it usually settles once the stressful situation has passed.

Anxiety is when those feelings don't go away, they’re extreme for the situation, and you can’t seem to control them. Anxiety can cause physical symptoms like pain, a pounding heart or stomach cramps. For some people these physical symptoms are their main concern.

Anxiety can also affect other areas of your life – like your ability to cope, perform at work, and can affect your relationships with friends and family.

It is common for people who have anxiety to also feel depressed. The symptoms of anxiety and depression can overlap

When anxiety is severe or there all the time, it makes it hard to cope with daily life.

I offer individual counselling and therapy to individuals who suffer from depression and anxiety. Let me help you find ways to help cope with your depression and anxiety.